• PolyU Linguistic & Language Group


Selected Journals

  • Rong Xiang, Emmanuele Chersoni, Qin Lu, Chu‐Ren Huang, Wenjie Li, Yunfei Long 'Lexical data augmentation for sentiment analysis' Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology
  • Zijie Lin, Yunfei Long, Jiachen Du, Ruifeng Xu. "A Multi-modal Sentiment Recognition Method Based on Multi-task Learning" Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao.
  • I-Hsuan Chen, Yunfei Long, Qin Lu, Chu-Ren Huang Orthographic features for emotion classification in Chinese in informal short texts, Language Resources and Evaluation
  • Yunfei Long et al. "Improving attention model based on cognition grounded data for sentiment analysis" IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.
  • Yunfei Long (corrsponding author) et al. Dual memory network model for sentiment analysis of review text. Knowledge-Based Systems, 105004.
  • Qingqing Zhao, Chu-Ren Huang, and Yunfei Long. “Synaesthesia in Chinese: A corpus-based study of gustatory adjectives in Mandarin” To appear in Linguistics. (SSCI impact factor 0.309)
  • Li, Minglei, Qin Lu, Yunfei Long, and Lin Gui. "Inferring affective meanings of words from word embedding." IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 8, no. 4 (2017 SCI IF:4.585): 443-456. Resource Link
  • Minglei Li, Qin Lu, Dan Xiong, and Yunfei Long(Corrsponding Author). “Phrase Embedding Learning Based on External and Internal Contexts with Compositionality Constraint”. Accpted by Knowledge based system (2017 KBS SCI IF:4.396)
  • Aislinn D Bergin, Elvira Perez Vallejos, E Bethan Davies, David Daley, Tamsin Ford, Gordon Harold, Sarah Hetrick, Megan Kidner, Yunfei Long, Sally Merry, Richard Morriss, Kapil Sayal, Edmund Sonuga-Barke, Jo Robinson, John Torous, Chris Hollis Preventive digital mental health interventions for children and young people: a review of the design and reporting of research, NPJ digital medicine
  • Long, Y., Xiang, R., Lu, Q., Huang, C. R., & Li, M. (2019). Improving attention model based on cognition grounded data for sentiment analysis. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.
  • Selected Conference Proceeding

    In 2024:
  • Feb: Prompting Explicit and Implicit Knowledge for Multi-hop Question Answering Based on Human Reading Process get accepted by LREC-COLING 2024
  • Ocotber: GAMED: Knowledge Adaptive Multi-Experts Decoupling for Multimodal Fake News Detection get accepted by WSDM 2024
  • November 15: Emotion-Adaptive Training for Cyberbullying Detection: Addressing harassment and defamation detection with adaptive emotional training get accepted by ICWSM 2024
  • November 29: MLD-EA: Check and Complete Narrative Coherence by Introducing Emotions and Actions get accepted by COLING 2025
  • In 2022:
  • Zijie Lin, Bin Liang, Yunfei Long, Yixue Dang, Min Yang, Min Zhang, Ruifeng Xu, 'Modeling Intra-and Inter-Modal Relations: Hierarchical Graph Contrastive Learning for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis', COLING 2022
  • Xiaotong Jiang, Qingqing Zhao, Yunfei Long, Zhongqing Wang, 'Chinese Synesthesia Detection: New Dataset and Models', Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022
  • In 2020:
  • Huilin Zhong, Junsheng Zhou, Weiguang Qu, Yunfei Long, Yanhui Gu. "An element-aware multi-representation model for law article prediction" Accepted by EMNLP 2020.
  • Rong Xiang, Yunfei Long et al. "Affection Driven Neural Networks for Sentiment Analysis" Accepted by LREC 2020.
  • Rong Xiang, Yunfei Long et al. "Ciron: a New Benchmark Dataset for Chinese Irony Detections" Accepted by LREC 2020.
  • In 2018:
  • Yunfei Long, Mingyu Ma, Qin Lu, Rong Xiang, and Chu-Ren Huang. “Dual Memory Network Model for Biased Product Review Classification”, In Proceeeding of 2018 EMNLP 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis
  • In 2017:
  • Long, Yunfei, Qin Lu, Rong Xiang, Minglei Li, and Chu-Ren Huang. (2017). A Cognition Based Attention Model for Sentiment Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (pp. 473-482). Acceptance rate: 26%
  • Long, Yunfei, Qin Lu, Rong Xiang, Minglei Li, and Chu-Ren Huang.  "Fake News Detection Through Multi-Perspective Speaker Profiles." In Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers), vol. 2, pp. 252-256. 2017. Acceptance rate: 31%
  • Long, Yunfei, Qin Lu, Minglei Li, and Chu-Ren Huang. “Hidden Recursive Neural Network for Sentence Classification.” In Proceedings of CICLING, 2017.
  • Long, Yunfei, Dan Xiong, Qin Lu, Minglei Li, and Chu Ren Huang. “Named Entity Recognition for Chinese Novels in the Ming-Qing Dynasties.” In Workshop on Chinese Lexical Semantics (pp. 362-375). Springer International Publishing.
  • I-Hsuan Chen, Long, Yunfei, Qin Lu and Chu-Ren Huang. “Leveraging Eventive Information for Better Metaphor Detection and Classification”. In ACL-CONLL 2017. Acceptance rate: 18.5%
  • Minglei Li, Qin Lu, Long, Yunfei, and Lin Gui. “Representation Learning of Multiword Expressions with Compositionality Constraint” In KSEM 2017. Acceptance rate:35%, Best Student Paper
  • Minglei Li, Qin Lu, Long, Yunfei, and Lin Gui. “Hidden Recursive Neural Network for Sentence Classification.” In Proceedings of CICLING, 2017.
  • Li, M., Lu, Q.,Long, Yunfei. (2017). Are Manually Prepared Affective Lexicons Really Useful for Sentiment Analysis. In Proceedings of the Eighth International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers) (Vol. 2, pp. 146-150). Acceptance rate: 31%
  • In 2016:
  • Long, Yunfei, Qin Lu, Yue Xiao, Minglei Li, and Chu Ren Huang. “Domain-Specific User Preference Prediction Based on Multiple User Activities”. In IEEE, Big data 2016. Acceptance rate: 18.7%
  • Minglei Li, Da Wang, Qin Lu, and Yunfei Long. “Event Based Emotion Classification for News Articles.” In Proceedings of PACLIC, 2016. (Oral)
  • Minglei Li, Yunfei Long, Qin Lu. “A Regression Approach to Valence-Arousal Ratings of Words from Word Embedding.” In Proceedings of IALP, 2016 (Oral, Best Paper Award).
  • Minglei Li, Qin Lu, Lin Gui, Yunfei Long. “Towards Scalable Emotion Classification in Microblog Based on Noisy Training Data.” In Proceedings of CCL 2016. (Poster)
  • Minglei Li, Yunfei Long, Qin Lu. “Emotion Corpus Construction Based on Selection from Noisy Natural Labels”. In Proceedings of LREC, 2016. (Poster) Data Readme Data Link